Paolo Padrini ئاپەکان

Paolo Padrini
iBreviary TS Pro Terra Sancta is theapplication that brings the traditional Catholic prayer of theBreviary and all the texts of the Liturgy on your Android phonesand tablet.iBreviary Pro Terra Sancta wants to contribute, through apartnership with Custody of the Holy Land, friendship and prayerfor all Christians living Holy Places. iBreviary contains:- Breviary, Missal and Lectionary complete in 7 languages andcontinuously updated (Italian, French, Spanish, Romanian, Englishand Latin)- The text of the Breviary and the Missal in the Vetus OrdoAmbrosian Rite and Latin- All the main prayers of the Christian- Rituals for the sacraments and celebrations- The liturgical texts used in the Holy Land Also iBreviary "ProTerra Sancta" offers, than the first version of iBreviary:- The new section, "Rites", with all the rituals and texts for thevarious celebrations Catholic (Adoration of the Eucharist, theSacraments, Blessings, etc.).- The brand new "Terra Sancta" the liturgical texts used in theHoly Land- Keep in touch through the blog and the pages of the FranciscansHoly Places. - A rich section dedicated to Saints- Store a day on any device- Full management of saved days (selection and cancellation)- Unlimited storage days (something very much in demand by thosewho want to download a bit of days for travel or long periodwithout internet access from your Android- Instantly download the entire week (continuing to quietly use theapplication without having to wait for the download).- Enlarge and diminish the character of the text, with the flick ofthe fingers on the screen- The ability to adjust the color of the background for a betterreading of texts- Application Languages: Italian, Inglese, Spanish, Deutsch,Française, Romanian - Content Languages: Italian, Inglese, Spanish,Français, Romanian, Latinum- Languages constantly updated content.- A new graphical interface
Museo Alstom Demo 1.0.4
Paolo Padrini
Il Museo della Fabbrica è la app di Alstom che accompagnailvisitatore lungo il percorso della sezione “Il MuseodellaFabbrica”, parte del polo museale diffuso “Primafermata:Savigliano”. Il Museo della Fabbrica, creato negli spazidel sitoproduttivo Alstom di Savigliano racconta le tappe piùimportantidello stabilimento, dalla sua nascita, nel 1853, con leprimeofficine di riparazione, alla fondazione nel 1880 dellaSNOS,Società Nazionale Officine di Savigliano, per arrivare alperiodoFiat Ferroviaria nel 1970, e all’acquisizione da parte delgruppoAlstom negli anni 2000 fino ai nostri giorni.
RadioPNR 1.4.0
Paolo Padrini
Audio live, news from Tortona, Novi Ligure, Voghera, Alexandria andthe Diocese.